The Leading With Love Podcast

Inner Silence = Transformational MAGIC 🌟 Episode Thirty

Shauna Arthurs Episode 30

Why are we so afraid of the unknown?

We hang on to the familiar, even when it's deeply uncomfortable.

We distract ourselves and keep busy to maintain a sense of control over the uncontrollable, and deny that uncertainty is a constant in life.

We will do just about anything to avoid silence ... because silence opens up space for our suppressed thoughts and fears to surface, for our inner darkness to reveal itself... and this seems far scarier than what we already know how to handle, even if that 'handling' is painful and dysfunctional.


What if we're wrong?

What if uncertainty can be transformed in our perspective, from discomfort and fear to the delicious anticipation of events and circumstances that are profoundly aligned with our highest good?

What if EVERYthing wonderful and magical that we hope and yearn for is available on the other side of our willingness to get quiet and allow ourselves to navigate our 'darkest' places?

What if embracing the unknown is the only way to access all that MAGIC, and we've been holding ourselves back from it?

Just an invitation, as always ...

With love,

Shauna xo


Show Notes:

Full video episode:

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Intro/Outro Music:

Background Sound Bath: